Day Five...

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Saturday, June 18th, 2011

I didn't write yesterday, because it was a hectic day. It started off with me waking up at 8:18am, and going to get my mom up for her therapist appointment. A bit later, I unwrapped my mom's leg from her compression wraps, and she got in the shower, while I got myself and my son ready.

Not exactly sure how, but we wound up getting off to a late start, so things were tense. 

Unlike the passed few days, it was a rather bad day for mom. She was feeling really nauseous and her leg really hurt and it itched like crazy, and she had a little trouble getting into the car.

We got to the doctors, and hurried in. We got mom's Reid Sleeves gauged, and I was able to learn how to strap it up correctly so it doesn't hurt her.

We got home, things were fine for a bit, then I got angry about something stupid, so we had a family argument, and I went into my room with the baby so he could play. My mom called me back out of the room and I found out that my brother was arrested last night, so mom had a really hard time last night.

I let her have the night off from being wrapped up, but today, she's spending time with them on as much as possible.

We don't go back to the doctors until Monday. Monday is also the day that my son's dad is supposed to come home.. I'm really excited! <3<3


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