An Introduction...

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Hello and Welcome to Dream For A Cure! This particular blog is for those people suffering from Lymphadema, both personally, and those who are effected due to being a family member of someone who suffers from the disease.

I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Crystal, and I'm 28 years old. I suffer from Lymphadema, not because I was diagnosed with it, but rather because my mother was diagnosed with it. My mother was diagnosed just about six or so years ago, and while it wasn't bad at first, and she was able to get around, my mother is now practically immobile, and confined to moving with either a walker, or shuffling from place to place, with breaks in between.

It's not an easy thing to see, not in the least.

I want you all to know that while your screams of pain seem to fall on deaf ears, your screams are NOT silent! You are heard. 

I hear you. I love you. I will fight with all of my might to force others to listen. You will not remain in the shadows of this disease alone. 

I will walk beside you. I will hold your hand.

I cannot take your pain and suffering away, but I am here to listen and to understand, for I suffer with you. I cry, scream, and fight with you.

With this blog, I hope to offer a bit of insight into my mother's journey, and my own as we begin treatment with my mother's Physical Therapist, Huyen Lu Vitale.


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